• Q

    The device does not work at all.


    If the battery is flat, the device does not work. In this case, you have to use the adapter to recharge the battery.

  • Q

    While charging the battery, the device does not respond to the power button.


    You cannot the use the device while charging the battery. Please disconnect the adapter when using the device.

  • Q

    The LED lamp flashes blue and red and the device turns off with a beep.


    This happens when the battery is low and the cooling fan does not work properly. Please fully recharge the battery and try again. If the problem persists, please contact our service representative as the cooling fan is either damaged or clogged with dust. If so, Please contact to A/S center.

  • Q

    When using the device in the Cooling mode, the head becomes hot.


    This happens when the remaining heat is discharged through the head after using the device in the Cooling / Tightening mode. This is normal and you need to wait until the device cools off before using it again.

  • Q

    The Power/Mode LED flashes.


    The device can be used in 4 different modes and each mode lasts up to 3 minutes.
    When each mode ends, the next mode LED lamp flashes and it goes into the Standby mode. If there is no activity for 5 minutes, the device turns off automatically.

  • Q

    The charging LED does not turn on and it does not charge the battery.


    Please check that the device is connected to the adapter.
    If the adapter connection part or terminal is covered with unwanted materials, it does not charge the battery. In this case, clean them using a cotton swab.

  • Q

    The device turns off by itself while using it.


    If the battery is low, the device turns off while in use. In this case, fully recharge the battery and try it again.

  • Q

    The device does not vibrate.


    The vibration only works in the Booster and Tightening modes. If it does not vibrate in these modes, please contact our service representative.

  • Q

    I am having other problems with the product


    Please contact your dealer or our service representative.

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